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Breaking News Lapack Library Missing Causing Errors In Pytorch Computation

Breaking News: LAPACK Library Missing, Causing Errors in PyTorch Computation

Subheading: RuntimeError and Compilation Issues Plague Torch_lu_with_info

In a major development, users of the popular PyTorch library are experiencing runtime errors due to the absence of the LAPACK library during compilation. This has resulted in issues with computations involving matrix factorization and inversion.

Details of the Error

Specifically, the error message "LAPACK library not found in compilation. RuntimeError: inverseLAPACK library not found in compilation." is being reported by users attempting to perform certain operations. This error occurs when PyTorch tries to access the LAPACK library, which is essential for matrix computations, but finds that it is not available.

The problem has also been observed in other contexts, such as when using the "torch.linalg.lu_factor" function on a CPU tensor. According to the documentation, running this function requires PyTorch to be compiled with LAPACK support.

The impact of this issue is significant, as it prevents users from performing important matrix operations that require the LAPACK library. This could potentially hinder research and development in areas such as machine learning and data analysis.
