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California Prop 1 Passes Providing 64 Billion For Mental Health And Housing

California Prop 1 passes, providing $64 billion for mental health and housing

Proposition 1, a $64 billion bond measure for mental health and housing, has been approved by California voters.

With 50.2% of the vote, the measure will provide funding for the construction of treatment beds and housing units, as well as healthcare and social services for people with mental health and substance abuse issues.

The measure was championed by Governor Gavin Newsom, who called it "critical to solving the homelessness and mental health crises" in the state. Supporters argued that the investment would help to reduce homelessness, improve access to mental health care, and save lives.

Opponents of the measure argued that it was too expensive and that the money could be better spent on other priorities. They also expressed concerns about the state's ability to manage such a large bond program.

The passage of Proposition 1 is a significant victory for Newsom and his administration. It is also a sign that California voters are willing to invest in addressing the state's homelessness and mental health crises.
